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Survey Responses

<<Analysis of survey responses


1) reverse ta > twisted sonic 23-12 > fingerpass 12-23-34-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > bust 12 > bak > fl. ta reverse > bak > midback 1.5 x4 > midbak > inverse sonic reverse 12-23 > warped sonic 23-12 > pass 12-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > neo sonic 12-TF > fl. tf charge rev > fl ta x2 > charge 23-13 > pass 13-34 > ringaround 34-34 > twisted sonic 34-23 > middle shadow around 23-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > bust > indexthumb spin 0.5 > tf charge > fl. ta

2) 4 years

3) Intermediate

4) I see notations as written verifications of what we see.

5) It does a good job.


1.ta rev t1-12 > pass 12-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > pass 12-23-34-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > bust > shadow rev 12 ~ fl ta rev 12 > bak 12-12 > midbak 1.5 x3 > midbak 23-12 > inv twisted sonic rev 12-23 > warped sonic rev 23-12 > twisted sonic rev 12-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > pd neosonic 12-tf >
tf charge rev > fl ta rev tf ~ fl ta rev 23 > inv sonic 23-13 > pass 13-34 > ra 34-34 > charge rev 34 > twisted sonic 34-23 > devil's around 23-23 >
twisted sonic 23-12 > bust > fl scissor spin 0.5 tf > charge tf > fl ta tf-tf
2. About 3.5 years
3. I don’t know, probably not beginner
4. I think the purpose of notation is to aid one in the understanding of how somebody did his combo. It is a supplement to watching the video in slow motion so that the person reading the notation will be able to follow what's going on better.
5. Notation accomplishes it fairly well. I think it is impossible for there to be such a system of notation where one can understand what's going on just by reading it w/o a video supplement. So many subtleties are lost that way.

1. I really can't break down combos, only the first reverse ta
2. Less than 1 year around 8 months
3. Beginner
4. Notations are... I don’t know, sorry.
5. Nil.

1. I am horrible at breakdowns however to my best ability the combo starts out with rev thumb around then a twisted sonic to a neo backaround which leads to a continuous bak sequence then i see a really common linkage that Korean styled spinners use which is the thumb flap rev and end with the twisted sonic finisher
2. I have been spinning 3.7 years
3. Well I consider myself to be an intermediate pen spinner in terms of technicality but I would say my smoothness is pretty advanced. But in short, I consider me to be intermediate.
4. I think the purpose of notations is that it provides additional information for other people helps people depict details easily
5. It does a really good job

1. No, just no. Just kidding. Let's see... TA rev > pass 12 - 23 > Double charge 23-23 > Next few tricks, can't tell > shadow rev 12 - 12 > index bak 12 - 12 > middle bak quite a few times 23 - 23 > Next few tricks, unknown > neo sonic 12 - tf > fl ta spin tf > 12? > got bored and caught the last trick which is > fl ta. You were probably messing with me on this one, but I was bored anyway.
2. 0.6 years.
3. Early intermediate, possibly an experienced/old beginner.
4. To sell your combos to people.
5. You can get rich.

1) TA rev. > Pass 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Pass 12-23 > Pass 23-34 > Pass 34-23 > Twisted Sonic (PD) 23-12 > Bust > Bak to fl.TA rev. > Index Bak > Mid Bak 1.5 4x > Mid Bak > Pass rev. 12-23 > Pass rev. 23-12 > Double Charge rev. > Gunman 12-T1 > Charge T1 rev. > fl.TA rev. 2x > Inverse Sonic 23-12 ~> Pass 13-34 > RA > Twisted Sonic (PD) 34-23 > Twisted Sonic (PD) 23-12 > Shadow 12-23 > Twisted Sonic (PD) 23-12 > Bust > something like Shadow T1 Still, IDK > Charge T1 > fl.TA
2) 5.3 years
3) Intermediate
4) Each notation is represent for some words. Like " > " means " to ".
5) For me, it look quite great.

1. TA Rev T1-12 -> Pass Normal 12-23 -> Twisted Sonic 23-12 -> Pass Normal 12-24 -> Fingerswitch 24-34 -> Pass Normal 34-23 -> Twisted Sonic 23-12~ Indexaround 12-12 -> Shadow Rev 12-TF ~ FLTA Rev TF-12 -> Index bakaround 12-12 -> Midbak 1.5 x4 123-123 ~ Midbak 123-12 -> PD Pass Rev 12-23 -> Charge Rev 23-23 -> Pass Rev 23-12 -> Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 -> Twsited Sonic 23-12 -> Neosonic 12-TF -> FLTA Rev TF-TF~ FLTA Rev TF-23 -> Inverse Sonic 23-13 -> Pass Normal 13-34 -> Ringaround 34-34 -> Twisted Sonic 34-23 -> Devil's Around 23-23 -> Twisted Sonic 23-12~FL Indexaround 12-12~FL Indexaround 0.5 12-TF -> FLTA TF-TF
2. 1 year 11 months.
3. Beginner
4. To clearly explain the sequence of a combo. Since if we watch a combo without notation, it's very easy to miss important tricks. And also notation is used for us to learn and copy combos.
5. Not so well, as shown by Vicgotgame's combo above, the finisher is quite difficult to notate. There's also many other combos which are difficult to notate, which I can't name any right now.

1. Ta rev > pass 12-23 > twisted sonic > pass 12-23-34-23 > twisted sonic bust > shadow rev 12-T1 > FL TA Rev T1-12 > Bak 12 > pass 12-23 > mid bak 1.5 x 4 > bak 23 -12 > inv. twisted sonic rev 12-23 > pass rev 23-12 > tw sonic rev. > tw. sonic > neosonic 12-T1 > Fl TF Charge > FL TA Rev x2 T1-34 > Warped Sonic 23-34 > ra 34-34 > Tw. Sonic 34-23 > devils around 23-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > bust x2 12-TF > TF charge > FL TA
2. 1 yr
3. Intermediate
4. Notations represent words
5. I think it’s good

1. No idea since I only learn tricks by looking. thumbaround >something > midbak 1.5 > finished.
2. Approximately 3.5 years
3. Intermediate
4. The purpose of notion is the make the trick easier to identify by learner.
5. NOPE it gets pretty confusing for me that's why i stopped recognizing the notation and learn by watching. or I’m just lazy.

1. TA Rev T1-12 > Pass 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Pass 12-23 > Pass 23-34 > Pass 34-23 > (PD) Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Shadow Rev > FL TA Rev > Bak T1-12 > Mid Bak 1.5 x4 12-12 > Mid Bak 12-12 > Pass Rev 12-23 > Double Charge Rev 23-23 > NeoSonic 12-TF > FL TF Charge Rev TF-12 > FL TA Rev 12-23 > Flush Sonic 23-23 > Pass 23-34 > Ring Around 34-34 > (PD) Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Devil's Around 23-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Bust 12-TF > TF Charge TF-TF > FL TA TF-TF.
2. 9 Months.
3. Intermediate.
4. It gives a detailed breakdown of what Trick links to what Trick using the Symbol ">", which means "to".
5. In my opinion, it serves it's job well.

1. Here goes nothing. TA Rev -> Fingerpass 12 -23 -34 -23 -> TWS Bust 23 - 12 -> Index Bak -> Rev FL TA -> Index Bak -> Midbak 1.5 x6 -> Rev Fingerpass 12 - 23 -> Rev Warped Sonic 23 - 12 -> Rev Twisted Sonic 12 - 23 ->Twisted Sonic 23 -12 -> Neosonic -> TF Charge -> Rev FL TA x2 TF - 23 -> Fingerpass 13 - 34 -> Ringaround 34 -> Twisted sonic 34 - 23 -> Devil's Around 23 -> TWS Bust 23 - 12 -> Index Bust 1.5 12 - T1 -> TF Charge -> FL TA
2. Few months over 2 years
3. Intermediate
4. It's the same as a sheet music for a piano piece
5. Does it well.

1. TA Rev T1-12 > Pass 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Pass 12-23-34-23 > (PD) Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Shadow Rev > FL TA Rev > Bak T1-12 > Mid Bak 1.5 x4 12-12 > Mid Bak 12-12 > Pass Rev 12-23 > Double Charge Rev 23-23 > NeoSonic 12-TF > FL TF Charge Rev TF-12 > FL TA Rev 12-23 > Flush Sonic 23-23 > Pass 23-34 > Ring Around 34-34 > (PD) Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Devil's Around 23-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Bust 12-TF > TF Charge TF-TF > FL TA TF-TF.
2. I've been spinning for 3 years now.
3. Low-Intermediate.
4. Notation is very helpful for learning new hybrids and Linkages. And it always comes in handy when you want to copy a combo. 
5. It works for me, it does very well.

1. TA Rev T1-12 > Warped Sonic 12-23 > Doble Charge 1.0 > Pass 23-34 > Pass 34-23 > (PD) Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Shadow Rev > FL TA Rev > Bak T1-12 > Mid Bak 1.5 x4 12-12 > Mid Bak 12-12 > Pass Rev 12-23 > Double Charge Rev 23-23 > NeoSonic 12-TF > FL TF Charge Rev TF-12 > FL TA Rev 12-23 > Flush Sonic 23-23 > Pass 23-34 > Ring Around 34-34 > (PD) Twisted Sonic 34-23 > Devil's Around 23-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Bust 12-TF > TF Charge Rev 1.0 > FL TA PD TF-TF.
2. 4 months
3. Beginner
4. I don't know what about you're talking.
5. I don't know what about you're talking.

1. ta rev t1-12 > pass 12-23 > tw sonic 23-12 > pass 12-23-34-23 > tw sonic bust 23-12 > shadow reverse ~ flta rev > bak > midbak 1.5 x4 > midbak 23-12 > pass rev 12-23-12 > tw sonic rev 12-23 > tw sonic 23-12 >ia 0.5 12-tf > tf charge rev > fl ta rev x2 tf-23 > inv sonic 23-12 ~ pass 13-34 > ra > tw sonic 34-23 > devil sonic 23-23 > twsonic bust > scissor spin 0.5 > fl ta

2. 1 year 10 months

3. Intermediate

4. Makes possible to tell other spinners the linkage you have in your mind, a cool hybrid you're thinking about, explain you like X part of a combo that both of you have watched, and in case you can't figure out a link, notation can come handy 

5. Pretty good, but there's still things missing, like explaining weird tricks and how they're done, which i can't remember now xD :3

1. TA rev > pass T1-12-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > pass 12-23-34-23 > twisted sonic bust 23-12 > bak to FL TA rev 12-12 > bak 12-12 > midbak 1.5 x4 12-12 > midbak 12-12 > pass rev 12-23 > warped sonic rev 23-12 > twisted sonic rev 12-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > neosonic 12-T1 > charge rev T1 > FL TA rev x2 T1-23 > inv sonic clip 23-13 > pass 13-34 > RA 34-34 > twisted sonic 34-23 > devil’s around 23-23 > twisted sonic bust 23-12 > FL scissor spin 12-T1 > charge T1 > FL TA

2. Active: 1.5y; Passive: 6.5y

3. Intermediate - Advanced

4. The purpose of notation would be the actual dissection of the entire combo and being able to know and replicate the pathway and direction of individual tricks and linkages in future combos.

5. Notation accomplishes this goal as long as the individual understands the trick mentioned. Just stating "12-23" is useless for brand new spinners until taught what each number stands for and the pathway of each individual trick. Also, unless specified within the breakdown or visually shown, the replicator would not know when to change from palm-up/-side/-down.

Cant do breakdown

1 year


To help understand the combo

I think it is important

1. TA Rev T1-12 -> Pass 12-23 -> Twisted sonic 23-12 -> Pass 12-23 -> Pass 23-34 -> Pass 34-23 -> Pass Reverse 23-12 -> IndexAround 12-12 -> BakAround ~> TA 12-12 -> BakAround 12-12 -> Pass 12-23 -> Midbak 1.5 23-23 (x4) -> NeoBak 1.5 23-12 -> Pass Reverse 12-23 -> Pass Reverse 23-12 -> Pass 12-23 -> Twisted Sonic 23-12 -> Charge Reverse TF -> FL TA Reverse x2 ~> Pass TF-23 -> Inverse Sonic 23-12 ~> Pass 13-34 -> RingAround 34-34 -> Twisted Sonic 34-23 -> Twisted Sonic 23-12 ~> IndexAround 12-23 -> Twisted Sonic 23-12 ~> IndexAround 12-12 ~> FL Pass Reverse 12-TF ~> Charge TF -> FL TA TF-TF

2. 7 Years
3. Intermediate
4. A good breakdown allows a knowledgeable Pen Spinner to follow along and fully understand what is being done in a particular video. A breakdown is a SUPPLEMENT to a video, NOT full information about a combo.
5. Extremely well

1) Too damn many
2) 1.5 years
3) Intermediate
4) To help nooby spinners leech off others people's combos and lack creativity, or to learn interesting linkages and hybrids and understand them more
5) Notation is pretty difficult to copy. Much easier to just watch it a bunch of times. Only useful for understanding basic linkages really well.

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