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Methods used to gather data on pen spinning notation.


I will be examining the genre in pen spinning used to communicate "combos" in written form, from trick naming conventions to basic terminology, to formal. informal, and common forms of notation. In this case notation as a genre will encompass basic nomenclature, and overlap when necessary to explain any jargon which is used in the context of notation. I hope to answer questions like- How well does notation facilitate communication? Where does current notation fall short? and How do those new to pen spinning use notation differently than those who are experienced?



My next step was to conduct interviews with a member of the research department and the creator of Interrupted Trick (Hybrid) Notation. Some examples of the types of questions I hoped to ask include:

What was the inspiration behind the development of pen spinning notation?

What was the purpose of notation at the time of inception?

What are the main flaws of current notation?

How has common notation changed over the years?

How do you personally use notation?

The surveys were conducted over e-mail.



The first step of my research consists of a survey to identify how pen spinners use common notation. Simultaneously I will be observing and educating myself on the rules of notation, and compare that to emergent notation that is actually in use. 


1. Breakdown this combo to the best of your ability:[Video Above]

2. How long have you been pen spinning? (years)

3. What skill level do you consider yourself? Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced?

4. What do you consider the purpose of notation?


5. By the purpose you identified above, how well does notation accomplish this goal?


The survey was conducted on the UPSB  public forums over the course of 48 hours.



I have been involved with the pen spinning community for almost six years now, been involved in the research department for around four years, and on staff for two years. There are numerous articles and examples of notation archived online. It will also be possible to draw from my own interactions and observations on how pen spinners use pen spinning notation in their every day lives.

Simple combo included in survey

Excerpt from a 2008 Interview with David Weis

9th trick in an advanced "tack-on" game


raimo bak 12-23 > ringneobak 23-34 > pass rev 34-23 > sonic rev 23-24 ~> palm down indexaround 24-12 > neo sonic 12-t1 > spiderspin 1.5 t1-3 > demon's sonic 34-12 > thumbindexpinkyaround 12-34

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